The history of VOS – Vision of Speed is as exciting as the ride in a supersportscar. Get buckled up and join us on this adventure. How can we make a yet perfect automobile even more perfect? Back in 2012, a highly qualified team of automotive individualist raised this very question. In response, they founded the now well-known company VOS PERFORMANCE. Since that day our engineers, technicians and designers do what they do best: They transform legendary sports cars in unique automobile icons.


2012 was an important year for us. We moved into our newly built headquarters in Neckarwestheim. Together with our ragtag family of vehicles – from Ferrari to Porsche and BMW over to Maserati and Lamborghini and up to rare motorcycles and custom bikes. The showroom, provided with two floors, holds all opportunities to admire our automobile gems from every conceivable angle. Still hardly countable is the number of sheer horsepower united under this roof. But it’s not only about our vehicles. It’s the place where we place where we negotiate new business contacts, give birth to new performance projects and prepare thrilling ideas for daring record attempts.

The acronym VOS stands for VISION of SPEED. A Name. A program. Not only in terms of engine performance. CEO Michael Keller describes the philosophy of the company as follows: “Each automobile comes with a unique character. The most important skill is to know it with all its individual characteristics. The true art of successfully applied re-interpretation of the existing substance is – by any chance -to cope with their individual automobile DNA to hit the right tone. I often compare our work with the tuning of a precious Stradivarius. An incorrect or insensitive stroke of work on this unique instrument can quickly an irreversibly ruin its soul. ”


VOS Managing Director Michael Keller on the Process of product certification: “Made in Germany is the only one benchmark for us. Prior to delivery and/or installation, all components undergo extensive quality and safety tests. This is even more important when it comes to the carbon parts of the body kits. Here we know a lot of examples that I would describe as neither praiseworthy nor acceptable. One of the consequences: Inferior quality is usually followed by high additional costs for the customer. Not to mention serious safety deficiencies and inevitable trouble with the regulatory authorities. Therefore all parts and components are confirmed by recognized testing organizations.”


The success of the design concept of VOS PERFORMANCE is recognizably based on the proposition “Think Outside the Box”. The fastest and simplest solutions are – especially when it comes to the car’s design – not always the best, because they are often predictable and offer little from the most desirable “Aha-Effect”. This is mostly important while striving to meet the tastes of a global market. CEO Michael Keller: “Our automotive interpretations combine extravagant individuality, exclusivity and high class German engineering with outstanding quality.”

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